Blue Diamond Publishing is a self-publishing company formed in 2014 by author and designer Ms. Kathy Alexis. The Blue represents purity, royalty, the word and commandments or service to God.  The Diamond represents a precious gem with strength, resilience and beauty – like children of God. We are all precious gems of God, hence the name Blue Diamond.

The founder grew up learning God’s word while witnessing her mother helping many people through prayer and counseling.  With this training being instilled from infancy, Blue Diamond Company was formed.

 Its mission seeks to bring an easy to read, understanding and colourful, fun way of learning God’s word and praying, with the use of biblical books, fun educational, inspirational plush toys and rulers; each item is different and unique, unlike any other, for all ages.

  • Bringing sound through touch (via the use of the toys,) to those who can’t hear but will feel the vibration of the sounds. Giving a voice to those who can’t say the prayer and teaching those who don’t know how to pray. The soft sound of the prayers will fill the room, thus inviting the Holy Spirit and the angels of God.

  • To those who can’t see but hear: they will hear the words of the prayers, numbers or alphabet songs and Learn the sound of each letter of the alphabet as the song plays and also the numbers 1-20, (most toys go from 1-10) in English and Spanish. The children will want to play continuously as they learn from these interactive toys along with the accompanying activity storybooks.

  • Giving short inspirational words or comfort (on the rulers) to remind them, that they are strong, intelligent and loved.

  • With the use of meditational books, the reader will gain inspiration and guidance to search God’s word eagerly and wholeheartedly, thus, giving them a deeper understanding of who God is and they in Him.

  • Overall…bringing comfort, joy, peace and laughter to all.

  • Our Products at Blue Diamond Publishing bring you healing both mentally and spiritually While providing fun educational interactive books and toys that help to build a good foundation for our children. As such, We have embarked on a new journey to add physical healing using natural health and beauty products for the body. To learn more, please follow the link www.opulence.com/diamond007



Mission Statement

Through the years, we have made annual contributions or donations, in the US, UK, Trinidad & Tobago, other Caribbean islands etc. to many families in need, schools and orphanages; working with individuals, and/or, organizations, such as, the Gift For Life (GFL) foundation in Trinidad and Tobago.  We have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback from individuals, parents and teachers, on the many lives, which have changed after reading the books, through the grace and favour of God. The company’s vision is to reach families and children worldwide, bringing, comfort, joy, peace, love and hope, while building their Faith in God, through His word.

We have attached a few photos, (with the permission of the persons involved), to show our sincerity in giving to others from a percentage of our sales.  With the help from our sales, we will keep this commitment for as long as we can.

If you would like to help us give to others, please purchase one or more of our items for yourself, a loved one or someone in your area, as part of the funds go towards helping others in need.

Anyone seeking more information or for a free catalogue of our items (shipping charges will apply), can contact us via bluediamondbk2@gmail.com


Facebook: Alexis Diamond

Insta: alexis_diamond_bks

YouTube: Blue Diamond Publ. /Kathy Alexis Video (Like, Share and Subscribe)